I wrote Bloom Where You’re Planted in the midst of some pretty uncertain circumstances. I was diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy in March of 2009, just two weeks before my 16th birthday.
This is a big deal at any age, but at fifteen it was practically the end of the world. I was more focused upon what I was missing out on instead of exploring the exciting possibilities of this new path. Therefore I almost failed to recognize the beautiful opportunities before me…
The opportunity to improve my relationship with Jesus Christ and finally focus upon his will for me. The opportunity and blessing to spend more time with my family. And the opportunity/blessing in disguise that would help prepare me for the independence that comes with adulthood.
However, those mistakes I made at fifteen actually led to my increased dependence on God and strengthened my faith in his will for my life. Faith that these seemingly terrible circumstances are leading to something amazing, something I was not brave enough to imagine for myself.
And it is because of this improved perspective and trust in God that I was finally able to write my story during one of the hardest years of my life. 2017 and 2018 were both filled with increased seizure activity. Not only was this challenging to endure physically, but emotionally as well. More seizures meant less progress in my eyes and logic kept telling me if I’m not improving than I must be regressing somehow. What I forgot to include while coming to these conclusions was the fact that this is part of God’s plan for my life. I don’t know why, but it is. And now is time to trust Him.
Thus we have Bloom Where You’re Planted. My personal account of not just living with Catamenial Epilepsy, but actually surviving every day because I chose to embrace Christ.
The truth is, I can’t even imagine trying to take on this feat without God. My journey with epilepsy has always been his plan for me and I am so very excited to see where He leads me next.
About Book:
Bloom Where You’re Planted on paper may be a simple concept, but, in reality, it is one of the most challenging tasks a Christian will ever face, especially during hard times. I discovered this firsthand after being diagnosed with epilepsy as a teenager. I was swept off my mountain and found myself smack-dab in the middle of the valley of shadow and doubt. The truth is, this unexpected change of scenery was exactly what I needed if I was ever going to stop focusing on the plans I created and start focusing on Gods plan instead. The journey through the valley is never easy, but embracing the will God has intended for your life is a good start. I may not be through my valley just yet, but as Ive learned over the span of eight years while dealing with epilepsy, Gods plan is perfect and dependable. Blooming where you’re planted is more than simply embracing your current circumstances; it is choosing to root yourself in Christ. Only then can you grow to fulfill the purpose created for you by Almighty God.
About Kaitlin:
Kaitlin was diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy when she was fifteen years old and continues to battle it using Holistic methods. This drastic lifestyle change not only transformed her relationship with Christ for the better, but it has also served as the inspiration behind the majority of her writing including her health & wellness blog, Seize the Day Blog. In addition to blogging, Kaitlin is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Boise State University.
My Family:
Although my name is on the cover and it is my journey with epilepsy I am discussing throughout those 114 pages of Bloom Where You’re Planted, it is actually my family who deserve the most recognition. They are the true heroes here because they have always provided support for me during the good times AND the bad. Let’s think about this realistically…I was a teenager when I was first diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy, a type of epilepsy caused by a hormone imbalance…Therefore, I can almost guarantee that there were more bad times than good in the beginning.
Despite my less than ideal behavior, my parents and my siblings never gave up on me. They instead became cheerleaders in my time of doubt and they helped me to adjust to a brand new lifestyle that seemed to offer only challenges. In addition to God, my family are the prime reason I have managed to come this far.
So, Mom and Dad, thank you for always loving me despite my hormonally imbalanced behavior. Thank you for supporting my ambitions and striving to make those dreams a reality (like this book!). Thank you for not only paying my expensive medical bills, but continuously seeking the best medical care possible. You are the reason I have reached the level of healing I am at today. I wish there was a way I could repay you both for the steadfast support and the abundance of love you give to me everyday. I love you!
Justin, you have provided me with so much protection over these ten years of living with epilepsy. You were there that night during my very first seizure and you never left my side once…even when I didn’t recognize you and actually mistook you for a paramedic. I know that could not have been easy to endure. Evidently, a seizure can do some funky things to the brain, but you remained calm. You helped me to stay calm, as well. You protected me when I was fifteen and you continue to protect me today at twenty-six. Thank you for your continued calm behavior and your patience. I love you, Big Bro!
Lauren, as my little sister you probably had to deal with the unexpected changes brought about by my diagnosis the most. You were only 14 at the time, it’s not like you could take a drive to escape the craziness that emanated from me during those first few years. No, you dealt with it all and you still managed to be kind to me. I will forever be grateful for your patient and forgiving heart. You have continued to search for new avenues of healing and I appreciate that more than you know! You are and always will be my best friend. I love you!
God has truly blessed me with the best family ever! Dad, Mom, Justin, Lauren you are all so brave to voluntarily walk this crazy journey with me. He knew that I needed each of you in order to eventually conquer this condition. Your actions have been a huge inspiration to stay strong through the mountains and the valleys. THANK YOU!
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