Want to read more by Kaitlin? Visit her lifestyle blog, Seize the Day Blog, where she shares health & wellness tips, yummy recipes, and insight for epileptics.
Continue reading to explore her inspiration behind creating Seize the Day Blog…
Life, or, as many of us might put it, the uncontrollable and chaotic twenty-four hours that make up every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our walk through life can seem so erratic, but we go along with it anyway because we figure, hey, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. But, what if we could control how the cookie crumbles? What if we could keep our cookie from crumbling altogether? Yes, life in general is uncontrollable, but there are sub elements of life that are controllable! Specifically, health and nutrition. We control how we treat our bodies and what we put into them. (Cue the discussion on how this product, that food, and some new fad workout is the ticket to preventing your cookie from crumbling). Here’s the problem: most of us don’t actually know how to prevent our cookie from crumbling because we don’t have the understanding to do so.
Many products and lifestyles that society has sold us may not be as “healthy” as we previously believed them to be. Unfortunately for me, it took a diagnosis of Catamenial Epilepsy to finally stop trusting what the world was telling me and ask the unthinkable, Could they be wrong? Could the foods, products, lifestyles, etc. that the world has pushed on us over the years actually be UNHEALTHY? March 25, 2009 my cookie officially crumbled. Since that time, it has been my experience that the answer is Yes.
The simple truth is, we are no longer living in a world where eggs come from our own chickens in the backyard and medicines originate from natural/Holistic sources. It is this great change and my desperate need for healing that sparked a bit of curiosity within me. Where are our foods truly coming from? When I take my anti-seizure medication twice a day, what am I actually putting into my body? And, is there a natural alternative that could be more helpful and beneficial?
With a lot of research (and patience) I have been able to discover many truths about basic products people are exposed to on a daily basis. Trust me when I say it is shocking how often foods and products many of us trust to be safe are actually chemically engineered copycats of the bona fide ingredients. This knowledge has been life changing for me as an epileptic, to say the least. I would like to clearly state that I am not a doctor nor do I claim to have any type of healthcare degree. I am simply a 26 year old woman with epilepsy who has learned all of this information from a source that, at times, can be painfully challenging to endure, but always offers a genuine, unbiased education: firsthand experience. I have had a 10+ year trial and error period that has resulted in a vast amount of discoveries. I have learned what it truly means to be healthy and I would like to share it with as many people as possible.
Now is the time to seize the day and prevent your cookie from crumbling. Or, if you’re like me, it is the opportunity to pick up the crumbs and put your cookie back together. Whether you’re a snickerdoodle, chocolate chip, sugar or peanut butter, I believe that every cookie can benefit from this information. So, I ask that you please take a little time out of your day to do a bit of reading.
Life may be impossible at times, but it is also precious…Seize The Day.
Visit Seize The Day Blog now! (www.seizethedayblog.com)