Bloom Where You’re Planted – Read Chapter One Now!
For years, I have had people telling me that I should write about my journey with epilepsy, the ups and the downs of what it is like to live with this condition, and how it has helped me to grow as both a human being and as a Christian. And for years, I have tried to do just that, but every time I sat down to write my mind would go completely blank. I knew I had plenty to write about, but for some reason my heart just wasn’t in it. My head was probably in the way, I’m absolutely positive that I was overthinking everything…
That is, until January 2017 when I began forming a mental outline for my book without realizing that these “notes” would actually become a finished and published product. It started with a concept that my family and I have always embraced since that very first day I was diagnosed with Catamenial Epilepsy…the concept to bloom where you are planted. Life truly is a roller coaster ride, one minute you can be on the highest of highs and the next minute you can find yourself in the lowest of lows. Handling each with the utmost grace and composure is always preferred, but is it always possible???
As human beings, we struggle to find contentment in the path laid out in front of us. At least, this has been the case for me. More often than not, I abandon the path at my feet and I pursue every other possibility instead. God says, “Go right” and I go left. I had this terrible tendency of choosing the wrong path in life.
It has taken me a little while to figure things out, but thanks to my epilepsy I have finally learned how to bloom where I am planted. I am finally living life with the full purpose of glorifying God by first rooting myself in his intended path for my life. I am blooming where I am planted instead of wilting on the wrong path.
March 25, 2018 will officially mark nine years since my diagnosis, which means it has taken me almost nine years to actually get it all down on paper. This sounds like a crazy amount of time, but the truth is I wouldn’t change a single characteristic about the writing process because I can guarantee that my entire heart is poured in to every single page. All 114 of them!
My book is called Bloom Where You’re Planted and you can read the first chapter right now! Just click on the PDF file below. I hope it inspires you to purchase a copy and discover my story!